Our History
Innovation and Excellence
Padilla Cigar Company
Padilla cigars is a premium cigar company that was established in Miami, Florida in 2003.
The company was founded by Ernesto Padilla and has since become one of the most
well-known and respected brands in the cigar industry.
The Legend
Padilla cigars are handcrafted using only the finest tobaccos from regions such as Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. Their cigars are renowned for their complex flavors, outstanding construction, and attractive packaging. Padilla offers a variety of lines to suit different tastes, including the classic Padilla 1932, the bold and flavorful Padilla Miami, ate name a few. Padilla Cigars has been awarded 5 times as The Top 25 Cigars in the world by Cigar Aficionado Magazine. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or just starting out, Padilla cigars are sure to impress.
Heberto Padilla
Heberto Padilla was a Cuban poet and writer who was born on January 16, 1932, in the Tobacco growing plantation of his family, in Pinar del Rio, Cuba. He was one of the leading poets of the Cuban Revolution and was widely regarded as one of the most important voices of his generation.
Padilla's work is characterized by a deep commitment to social justice and human freedom, and his poems are often seen as critiques of the political and cultural establishment of Cuba. He was an outspoken critic of the Cuban government and its policies, and as a result, he was frequently censored and exiled.
Despite his political troubles, Padilla's work has been widely translated and celebrated internationally. He is regarded as one of the most important poets of the 20th century, and his work continues to influence generations of writers and artists.